Curricular Offerings

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The school provides its students with both curricular and co-curricular programs which will develop their spiritual, academic, technical, and interpersonal skills and values.  The curricular offerings include the following subjects:

Grade School

      • English
      • Filipino
      • Mathematics
      • Science
      • Christian Living/GMRC
      • Araling Panlipunan
      • MTB-MLE


      • English
      • Filipino
      • Mathematics
      • Science
      • Araling Panlipunan
      • Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) with Computer Education
      • Christian Living (CL) /Good Morals and Right Conduct (GMRC)
      • Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)

Junior High School

      • English
      • Filipino
      • Mathematics
      • Science
      • Araling Panlipunan
      • Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) with Computer Education
      • MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, Health)
          • Physical Education with emphasis on Swimming and Volleyball for Grades 4-10
          • For Music, students are expected to learn how to play the recorder, violin, guitar and piano.
      • Christian Living/Values Education
      • Foreign Language (Nihongo)

The Academic Program is enriched and strengthened by rich and varied co-curricular activities such as the clubbing or enrichment program.  Clubs are extensions of the different subject areas.  Programs of activities supplement and complement the academic areas to which they belong.

Foreign Language

Majority of Aerospacers are self-confessed Japanese anime fans.  Luckily for our Grades 9 and 10 students, they have Nihongo classes twice a week where they learn to write and speak using the Japanese language.  Integrating Foreign Language (Nihongo) in our high school curriculum has been very beneficial to our Filipino students because it prepares them for local and international opportunities that would require communicative competence in a second foreign language.

As the number of Japanese enrollees is increasing in IAU, they no longer feel awkward getting along with their Japanese classmates but feel at home with them because they can already understand and speak several Nihongo words and even a few Nihongo phrases and sentences. There’s no best way to foster friendship with foreign classmates than to learn their language.

Joy in Music

Every Wednesday and Friday throughout the school year, Indiana Learning Center offers students from Grades 4-10 music lessons facilitated by two qualified music teachers.  While other students in other schools do not have the opportunity to use and handle even a single musical instrument, our school offers free music classes to Grades 4 and 5 using recorders, Grades 6 and 7 using guitars, Grades 8 and 9 with their violins and Grade 10, the keyboard.

For about six successive years already, students have enjoyed playing their respective musical instruments on stage through the annual music recital where parents have always been invited to witness their children playing the above-mentioned instruments.  It is our hope that with these music classes added to our school curriculum, students’ interest in music will be honed and those who are not inclined to music will be inspired to try awakening their hidden talents in this field.  Furthermore, instead of engaging in worthless activities that spoil young minds, the basic education administration hopes that with these free music classes, the children can have the chance to shift their interest to something more worthwhile, thereby enabling them to experience the JOY IN MUSIC.