Enrollment Procedure

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  1. Pre-register online; log in to http://portal.iau.com.ph/login.php.
  2. Proceed to Window 1 of the Registrar’s Office and fill out IAU Form No. 001 (Student Profile form).
  3. Pay the entrance exam fee of php350 at Window 5.
  4. Present the receipt and submit the following photocopied documents to the Guidance office.
      • Form 138 (report card) or Transcript of Records (TOR), or Certificate of Credentials (CTC).
      • PSA authenticated birth certificate.
      • Two (2) copies each of 2”x2” and 1”x1” color ID pictures with a name tag and on blue background.
      • Certificate of Good Moral.

 Note: Please put all these required documents in one (1) long brown envelope.

  1. Prepare for the examination. Please bring sharpened #2 pencils and a black pen.
  2. Schedule of exams (Monday-Friday):    9:00-11:00 AM  / 2:00-4:00 PM
  3. Interpretation of test results and preliminary interview with the Guidance Counselor.
  4. Release of enrollment documents for department head interview.
  5. Submit the following original documents to the Registrar’s office:
      • Form 138 (report card) or Transcript of Records (TOR), or Certificate of Credentials (CTC).
      • PSA authenticated birth certificate.
      • Two (2) copies each of 2”x2” and 1”x1” color ID pictures with a name tag and on blue background.
      • Certificate of Good Moral.
      • Ishihara or color vision test results from DOH accredited hospital or clinic.
  6. Pay enrollment of php3,000 to Window 4 of the accounting office.
  7. Present proof of payment to window 2 for encoding.
  8. Check individual study load using your mobile device or on the computer terminals beside the registrar’s office.
      • Form 138 (report card) or Transcript of Records (TOR), or Certificate of Credentials (CTC).
      • PSA authenticated birth certificate.
      • Two (2) copies each of 2”x2” and 1”x1” color ID pictures with a name tag and on blue background.
      • Certificate of Good Moral.
      • Ishihara or color vision test results from DOH accredited hospital or clinic.


  1. Log in to http://portal.iau.com.ph/login.php.
  2. Press the Enroll Menu and choose among the offerings the subject(s) you want to take for the coming semester; press the INCLUDE NOW button.
  3. After finalizing all desired subjects, press the RESERVE SELECTED SUBJECTS NOW button.
  4. Wait for the online approval of your department head.
  5. Once approved, pay your enrollment fee php3,000 at the accounting office or through any IAUs bank affiliates.
  6. Send a copy of your payment to iautreasurer92@iau.com.ph or send a photo to the IAU Official FB page IndianaAeroUniv. Write your complete name, ID number, course, and purpose of payment.
  7. Upon receiving your payment, the accounting office will post it on your account, and you are officially enrolled.
  8. A notification will be sent to your email address to confirm your enrollment.


  1. Pre-register online; log in to http://portal.iau.com.ph/login.php.
  2. Proceed to Basic Education Guidance office for the evaluation of documents.
  3. Pay the entrance exam fee of PHP 350.00 at the accounting office.
  4. Present the official receipt at the Guidance office.
  5. Prepare for the examination. Please bring sharpened #2 pencils and a black pen.


  1. Proceed to the Basic Education Department Registrar’s Office and secure the enrollment slip.
  2. Present the enrollment slip at the Accounting office and pay the minimum down payment of php3,000.00.
  3. Proceed to the College Registrar’s office for school ID processing.


  1. Pre-register online; log in to http://portal.iau.com.ph/login.php.
  2. Proceed to Basic Education Guidance office for the evaluation of documents.
  3. Pay the entrance exam fee of PHP 350.00 at the accounting office.
  4. Present the official receipt at the Guidance office.
  5. Prepare for the examination. Please bring sharpened #2 pencils and a black pen.


  1. Proceed to the Basic Education Department Registrar’s Office and secure the enrollment slip.
  2. Present the enrollment slip at the Accounting office and pay the minimum down payment of php3,000.00.
  3. Proceed to the College Registrar’s office for school ID processing.


  1. Pre-register online; log in to http://portal.iau.com.ph/login.php.
  2. Proceed to Basic Education Guidance office for the evaluation of documents.
  3. Pay the entrance exam fee of PHP 350.00 at the accounting office.
  4. Present the official receipt at the Guidance office.
  5. Prepare for the examination. Please bring sharpened #2 pencils and a black pen.


  1. Proceed to the Basic Education Department Registrar’s Office and secure the enrollment slip.
  2. Present the enrollment slip at the Accounting office and pay the minimum down payment of php3,000.00.
  3. Proceed to the College Registrar’s office for school ID processing.