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We, the academic community of Indiana Aerospace University (IAU), aim to be at the forefront of higher education and industry-aligned studies that are prolific, transformative, and socially-relevant.

Looking back

Since its founding in 1992, IAU has been consolidating its resources to hone its academic community in the science of research through the course offerings Research 1 & 2. The school not only implemented successfully CHED’s memorandum in strengthening undergraduate theses but also organized forums and seminars with technical experts and academicians underthe leadership of Dr. Nonita P. Legaspi and mentorship by Dr. Giovanni I. Legaspi, Prof. Christian Ray Licen and Engr. Rene S. Pono.

Soaring high

Now with Dr. Eugene E. Toring and Dr. Kimberly N. Toring at the helm, our research endeavors are focused on key areas at the undergraduate and institutional levels, namely: aviation technology, aircraft maintenance technology, avionics technology, aerospace engineering, airline management, hotel and restaurant management, travel and tourism management and education. Add to it,license for Turnitin (anti-plagiarism software) was purchased to ensure credibility and reliability of sources.  Subscription to e-books and scholarly journals also increased exponentially in the last five years for a wider grasp of related literatures and references.

Onwards to the flightpath of excellence

At present, we are in the process of developing refereed journals in collaboration with industry experts, researchers and academicians across the country in consonance with CMO No. 46, series 2012 of the Commission on Higher Education mandating universities to “contribute to nation building by providing highly specialized educational experiences to train experts in the various technical and disciplinal areas and by emphasizing the development of new knowledge and skills through research and development.”Furthermore, we commit to articulate our products and outcomes within the standards of the Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF) for our integration to the ASEAN communities. Given all these pursuits, we will strive hard to become the center of excellence in aerospace research in the Asia-Pacific.