
I am genuinely grateful to God Almighty for guiding me to Indiana Aerospace University!

I want to express my gratitude to the Indiana Aerospace University (IAU) for being a blessing in my life and the lives of many others. The wisdom shared in Proverbs 11:25 holds true: “The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.” I am genuinely grateful to God Almighty for guiding me to Indiana Aerospace University, where my dreams have become a reality, and I have become a Licensed Professional Teacher. The support and care provided by the university’s Board of Trustees have been invaluable to me and my family. I sincerely thank the administration, my mentors, and all the teaching and non-teaching staff. Your generosity, encouragement, and wise counsel have significantly shaped me into the best version of myself as both a teacher and an individual. Being granted the opportunity to become the pioneer student in the Education Department and the First Scholar of the Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal Scholarship Program has undoubtedly been the most significant turning point in my life. It has been my gateway to a lifetime of achievements and success, a journey I am proud to share with my beloved family. During a recent visit to the campus, I was overwhelmed by a flood of cherished memories. As I walked through its grounds, I couldn’t help but recall the remarkable moments we had experienced there. One memory that made me smile was when we planted trees and etched our names upon them, leaving an enduring mark of our presence. The campus was a picture of serenity and beauty, enveloped by the School Chapel, allowing us to meditate and immerse ourselves in nature simultaneously. As I contemplate my journey, my heart swells with gratitude. I am Marjorie Cosido Marca, a graduate of the Bachelor of Secondary Education-Major in Math (Class of 2002), a #ProudAerospacer, and forever be appreciative to my esteemed Alma Mater, Indiana Aerospace University.