IAU wins 1st Philippine Aviation Research Conference, Published papers in Scopus-indexed journals

Jan-01 | New Year’s Day |
Jan-10 | Start of Onsite Enrollment |
Jan-16 | Feast Day of Sto. Niño de Cebu |
Feb-07 | Opening of Classes |
Feb-25 | EDSA People Power Anniversary |
March 7 – 12 | Prelim Examinations |
Mar-09 | Ash Wednesday |
April 4 – 9 | Midterm Examinations |
Apr-09 | Araw ng Kagitingan |
April 11 – 16 | Midterm Break |
April 14 – 16 | Maundy Thursday/Good Friday/Black Saturday |
May-01 | Labor Day |
May-03 | Eid’l Fitr (Muslim Holiday) |
May-09 | Presidential Election |
May 11 – 14 | Semi-Final Examinations |
May 30 – June 4 | Final Examinations (Graduating Students) |
June 6 – 11 | Final Examinations (Non-Graduating Students) |
Jun-11 | 29th Commencement Exercises |
Jun-11 | End of the Second Semester |
Months | No. of Days | No. of Weeks |
February | 19 | 3 |
March | 27 | 5 |
April | 22 | 4 |
May | 26 | 4 |
June | 10 | 2 |
Total | 104 | 18 |
ADMISSIONSCollege course offerings :
College & DepartmentsEnrollment for returning students on all levels : http://portal.iau.com.ph/ Online payments : https://iau.com.ph/bank-payments/ #IAU #Aerospacer #WeGiveYouWingsToFly
June 1 – August 16 | Online Enrollment Period Adding, changing, dropping & withdrawal of subject/s |
August 23 – 25 | In-Service Training and Orientation for Instructors |
August 26 – 28 | Virtual Orientation of Students |
August 30 | National Heroes Day |
August 31 | Preparation of Altimeter |
September 1 | Opening of Classes |
September 3 | Mass of the Holy Spirit |
September 8 – 10 | 29th IAU Founding Anniversary |
September 9 | Osmeña Day |
September 27 – October 2 | Prelim Examinations |
October 3 | Feast Day of St. Therese |
October 5 | World Teachers’ Day |
October 25 – 30 | Midterm Examinations |
November 2 | All Souls’ Day |
November 20-21 | Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rule |
November 22-27 | Semi-Final Examinations |
November 30 | Bonifacio Day |
December 8 | Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception |
December 13-18 | Final Examinations |
December 20 | Start of Christmas Break |
December 20-January 15 | Enrollment Period for the Second Semester |
December 25 | Christmas Day |
December 30 | Jose Rizal Day |
Months | No. of Days | No. of Weeks |
August | 7 | 1 |
September | 26 | 5 |
October | 26 | 4 |
November | 25 | 4 |
December | 16 | 3 |
Total | 100 | 17 |
ADMISSIONSOnline payments : https://iau.com.ph/bank-payments/ Classes will start August 23, 2021. #IAU #Aerospacer #WeGiveYouWingsToFly
We are truly living in an uncertain time with the threat of COVID-19. During times like this, our plans, celebrations, travel goals and a lot more may have been pushed back from its intended schedule, but the promise of a brighter tomorrow has never been cancelled! There are certainly brighter days that awaits for us to look forward to, beyond this pandemic. Spiritual health is just as important as physical and mental health! We are inviting all Aerospacers to join us on December 12, Saturday at 2:00pm as we have our 4th webinar series entitled “Lucky No.13” 13 ways to see beyond the pandemic with Rev. Fr. Joriz Foz Calsa, SDB. Zoom link and password shall be posted on your portal or you may also join us through Facebook live. Kitakits, Aerospacers!
Indiana Aerospace University and Society of Young Aerospace Engineers in collaboration with Philippine Space Agency, are happy to bring you the “Ph to Space: Ascent2Inspire” Virtual Talk.
This event will introduce the different aspects of Philippine Space endeavors, provide diverse graduate studies to pursue likewise career opportunities in the space industry.
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from the dynamic speakers at the “Ph to Space: Ascent2Inspire” Virtual Talk.
*Exclusive for IAU Students
Helloo Aerospacers! We’ll have a mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday at 9 o’ clock in the morning at St Therese Chapel. It will be streamed live through our FB page. Save the date!
Seeking for motivation to keep you going on your dreams and aspirations in life in the midst of this pandemic may seem to be tough. But hey, it is definitely not impossible!
We are inviting you once again, Aerospacers to join us as we have our 3rd webinar series entitled “On your mark, Get set, GOAL! With our motivational speaker, Vanessa S. Ocampo, President of Milestones and Breakthrough Consultancy, and be inspired even more from a sharing of our IAU Alumnus, Engr. John Paul Daliva, who is now a Mechanic in Singapore Airlines Engineering Philippines.
Webinar shall be thru Zoom on November 14, 2020 at 2:00pm. Zoom webinar link shall be posted on your portal. Kitakits Aerospacers!
“Health isn’t just about what you eat, It’s about what you are thinking and feeling too.”
Aerospacers! We are inviting you once again to join us in our 2nd webinar in cooperation with the IAU Guidance Office entitled “Mental Wellness Amidst the Pandemic” with our speaker, Dr. Joy Bueno, FPPA, DPCAM
Join us on October 10, 2020, Saturday at 2:00pm as we learn and try to understand more about the matters of our mind and well-being especially now that we are experiencing a pandemic that has certainly changed the way we live.
In celebration of our school chapel’s 20th Founding Year, and the Feast day of the school’s patron saint. Daily Novena Masses in honor of St Therese of Lisieux are streamed live on the school’s Facebook page starting September 25 until October 3, 2020 at 3:30 in the afternoon.
On October 4, 2020, we will be celebrating the feast day of St. Therese of Lisieux which will be celebrated by the Military Bishop of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Most Rev Fr Oscar Jaime Florencio and will be Co-Presided by Most Rev. Fr. Andres D. Rivera Jr., OSA. We are reminding devotees, and the faithful to observe the IATF protocols such as wearing of face mask and shield. Strict social distancing shall be implemented in the chapel for the Pontifical Mass and temperature shall be checked as well prior to entering in the chapel. This has already been approved by Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Junard ” Ahong” Q. Chan and Cebu City Mayor Edgar C. Labella, the incoming Hermano Mayor for the upcoming feast day of St. Therese.
Let us be one in prayer of all our intentions through the intercession of St Therese of Lisieux!! Viva St. Therese!
January 1 | New Year’s Day | |
January 4-16 | Online Enrollment Period | |
January 18 | Opening of Classes | |
January 17 | Feast Day of Sto. Niño de Cebu | |
February 17-20 | Prelim Examinations | |
February 25 | EDSA People Power Anniversary | |
March 24-27 | Midterm Examinations | |
April 1-2 | Maundy Thursday/Good Friday | |
April 9 | Araw Ng Kagitingan | |
April 17-21 | Semi-Final Examinations | |
May 1 | Labor Day | |
May 8-12 | Final Examinations | |
(Graduating students) | ||
May 18-22 | Final Examinations | |
(Non-Gradauting students) | ||
May 22 | 28th Commencement Exercises | |
May 22 | End of the Second Semester |
Months | No. of Days | No. of Weeks |
January | 12 | 2 |
February | 23 | 4 |
March | 27 | 5 |
April | 22 | 4 |
May | 18 | 3 |
Total | 102 | 18 |
As the country and the rest of the world are continually being ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, let alone the climate of fear and uncertainty it creates, various sectors are beset with decisions to keep up with the impending demands under the state of the “new normal”. The education sector is no exception.
For this reason, Indiana Aerospace University (IAU) takes on a proactive approach to address the challenges posed by the pandemic guided by the protocols from the National government, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the local government units by migrating to a flexible learning platform called the Alternative Instructional Method Electronic Resource or ALTIMETER. This is set to be launched for pilot use during the Summer Term in June and July.
The name ALTIMETER was inspired from the actual altimeter or altitude meter, a flight instrument which measures the height of an aircraft above a fixed level. Customized for the school’s unique academic culture, ALTIMETER is designed to gauge student learning in virtual wireless scenarios based from the D2L platform, a cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) used popularly in top universities around the world offering online and remote education.
What makes this program advantageous is that it does not require students to be available every day for an online class. Unlike the traditional summer term set-up in which a 3-unit course runs a schedule of five days a week with two hours of contact time, this will entail only minimal online synchronous interaction. The rest of the class days will be intended for blended learning modes such as assigned readings, worksheets, modules, and the like. ALTIMETER can readily be downloaded in mobile phones and can also be accessed using laptops or desktop computers. It requires minimum data/internet usage to run, hence, making it convenient and user-friendly.
The University emphasizes that enrolment to the summer term is optional. Students who cannot enrol in the summer term in June are allowed to take the summer courses in the regular semesters on top of their regular subjects. Meanwhile those who are interested should have the means and capacity to go online and are open to use technological platforms. Enrolment and other school requests will be transacted online.
Guided by the emergency remote teaching paradigm which is a temporary shift from traditional instructional modes to alternative means with full consideration of the capacities and resources of its clientele, IAU supports the education sector’s stance for continuity of instruction amid the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is hoped that with the full implementation of ALTIMETER, the Filipino brand of resiliency will prevail and empower the Aerospacers, future aviators of this country, for a renewed commitment to life-long learning, as did the founding fathers of the aviation industry who weathered the storms.