Tag: aviation school cebu

IAU turns 23 with a bang

12171686_967255249979893_1295554568_o   In celebration the 23rd Founding Anniversary, Indiana Aerospace University held a week long intramurals from September 6-12, 2015, anchored on the theme, “Follow, Love, Yearn for what is good @ 23”. The opening of the much-anticipated event kicked off with “I need A Hero” Fun Run and  Zumba Fitness at 4 am in the morning. This was participated by IAU students, faculty and staff. The campus was filled with festivity and vivacity. Reverberating shouts and cheers echoed in the air as the epic  week  of  fun and competition began. The Sinulog Mardi Gras Competition capped the weeklong celebration showcasing the Festival Kings and Queens of the different year levels with their Sr. Sto. Niño inspired gowns. The event was graced by the founders of IAU, Dr. Jovenal B. Toring and Mdm. Cecilia V. Toring, who danced in the opening salvo together with the Festival Queen 2014, Ms. Paula Luz Gomez and the Festival King 2014, Mr. Lourenz Arellano. The competition started with street dancing. Each contingent presented their interpretation of Cebu’s very own Sinulog Festival. The Awarding ceremony followed.  First Year B emerged as the Overall Sports Champion and the Sophomores won the coveted Mardigras Competition.  Wahini Begin, Freshmen BS AM and Ralph Gica, Senior BSAT were declared Mr. and Ms. Intramurals.

Sky is the Limit for Undefeated Batch

Dr. Jovenal B. Toring, Founder and President welcoming PNP OIC Leonardo Espina, guest of honor and speaker during the 22nd Commencement Exercises.
Dr. Jovenal B. Toring, Founder and President welcoming PNP OIC Leonardo Espina, guest of honor and speaker during the 22nd Commencement Exercises.

The IAU graduates marched during its 22nd Commencement Exercises last March 28, 2015 in the IAU covered court.  IAUs AFROTC Officers and cadets escorted the arrival of Philippine National Police OIC Deputy Director General Leonardo Espina, guest of honor and speaker, which was followed by the processional of the graduates with their parents, the faculty, administrators, and the board of trustess with the guest. The rites formally kicked off with the welcome remarks of the batch Cum Laude Cherissa Latoja, BS Avionics Technology Major. In her speech, she mentioned how determination and hard work could lead a person to achieve his goals. “victory is sweet when you have worked hard for it,” she quipped.

The highlight of the ceremony which is the confirmation of the 412 graduates came after Dr. Jovenal B. Toring, Founder and President, lead the distribution of diplomas.  General Espina then gave his inspirational message. “I took up a medical course in UP but I was destined to be defender of the nation,” Espina shared.  He also advised the graduates to follow their dreams in order to be productive citizens of this country.

Preceding the 23 Commencement Exercises was a baccalaureate mass held at the University Chapel.

Here are more photos during the graduation rites: [tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”4″]