Registration is now open to new students ad transferees for AY 2024-2025

‘ | ✈️Let’s take a moment to recognize the outstanding graduates of Indiana Aerospace University’s Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology program. (L-R); . (Class of 2023), . (Class of 2022),  . (Class of 2023), . (Class of 2022),  . (Class of 2022),  . (Class of 2019),  . (Class of 2022),   . (Class of 2022) . (Class of  2019) have all proven themselves to be exceptional aviation professionals at Aviation Partnership Philippines (APlus). Their commitment to excellence should serve as a shining example for the future generation of aerospacers. Let’s come together to celebrate and honor their hard work.    With their awe-inspiring achievement as our compass, we are inspired to accomplish remarkable goals and reach far greater heights. #APlusCadetshipForExcellence #ACEBatch2 #AviationPartnershipPhilippines #Aerospacers #WeGiveYouWingsToFly