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Airwatch scribes attend writing workshops

By Aldous Aldwin Alde, BSAE I College’s Airwatch and Basic Education’s Insights publications underwent seminar-workshop series spearheaded by the publication advisers on August 15 and 23, 2014. The 2-day seminar was facilitated by media practitioners Jun Nino Nalipay for the News, Editorial and Sports Writing, Cherie Ann Gozon for Staff Management and Promoting the School Paper, Jose Lewis Gatchalian for Photojournalism, Jeff Cruz for Feature Writing, and Ericka Lagunzad for Lay Outing. “The seminar aims to provide practical knowledge in journalism straight from media practitioners,” Mr. Christian Ray Licen, the Airwatch Media Bureau Coordinator, quoted. The newly-assigned Commissioners, Editors-in-Chief and Correspondents were also recognized. The Airwatch and Insights publications took this seminar-workshop series as a good avenue to hone their craft and to be responsible campus journalists.

‘Aerospace’ Show: A first of its kind

By Aldous Aldwin Alde, BSAE I For the first time in 22 years, Indiana Aerospace University (IAU) featured an Aerospace Show on August 12-14, 2014 in the campus.  In consortium with NCERIES, it exhibited varied Aviation-Aeronautics student projects and a digital mobile planetarium. IMG_0563 Different schools graced the 3-day event and witnessed the exhibits.  Among these were: Arise Christian Academy, Einstein School for Kids, Holy Infant Montessori School, School Wonder Academic Center, St. Anthony Learning Center, and IAU’s Indiana Learning Center (Basic Education Department). On its debut, the event was featured by GMA 7’s Buena Mano Balita.  In an interview with Buena Mano Balita, IAU’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Harold E. Toring said that project was conceived as an avenue for the public, especially the graders, to “know” more about the Aerospace and value its contribution as an important key player of the global economy. He furthered that the project also aims to raise awareness and to appreciate the strides in meteorological and aerospace science. Featured in the exhibit were electronic miniature aircrafts, standard-sized propeller and aircraft exhibition video clip of the College of Aerospace Engineering; aircraft engine and Cessna static display of the College of Aircraft Maintenance Technology; the Nomad aircraft of the College of Airline Management; miniature airplanes, landing gears, and the tableau replica of the Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA), and the high-end flight simulator of the College of Aviation Technology. Ms. Maria Luz G. Cahayagan, OJT Coordinator of IAU and one of the organizers of the Aerospace Show said, “It is also good for the kids that at an early age they would be inspired to land a career in the aerospace in the future.” Long since 1992, IAU has been putting forward its best foot and the Aerospace Show is just one among the many more to set the pace and trend.  Mr. Toring announced during the Thanksgiving Day that the said show would be an annual event.

IAU’s e-Connect Summer Program

CommYOUnicate the right way!

Indiana Aerospace University (IAU) is not only Asia Pacific’s top and largest aerospace school – there’s more to this university than producing skilled pilots and flight personnel.

This summer, IAU is taking you to the skies, bright and breezy, with their “e-Connect Communication Arts Summer Program”. This summer program is set to empower and engage people of different ages on the different forms of communication arts.

e-Connect is a one-of-a-kind workshop seriesbecause it offers “beyond-the-classroom” learning experience. The said program has 5 different platform packages tailor-made to fit the needs of its target age group or sector. Communication Arts programs are available for Kids (ages 5-10 years old), Teens-Enthusiast Level, International Students, Corporate Professionals, and Aviation Major Students and Professionals.

“What makes our communication arts summer workshop different is that we put premiere on the right training with the right facilitators to deliver the right results in our clients the fun and creative way,” quipped Christian Ray Licen, program director and chairman of the Communication Arts Department of IAU.

IAU’s e-Connect Summer Workshops for kids and teens-enthusiasts will start on April 21-May 5, 2013, while the corporate professionals and aviation majors and professionals programs will be on May 3, 10, 17 and 24.For inquiries, call (032) 2369788 or +639322051470 and look for Christianor you may visit the program’s facebook Page: IAU E-Connect Communication Arts Summer Program, or the school’s website at

AMT, AVT go “The 3D Experience”

This year’s AMT-AVT day was packed with education and entertainment and was held for the first time out of the campus last October 4, Friday.

With the theme ‘The 3D Experience’, the Aircraft Maintenance (AMT) and Avionics Technology (AVT) students fared by six buses, toured at three destinations in Lapu-Lapu City. First destination was at the Brigadier General Benito Ebuen Air Base where students inspected the C-130 and Fokker aircraft of the Philippine Air Force. After which, they proceeded to Mactan-Cebu International Airport where they visited the site of Lufthansa Teknik, Phils. Thirdly, they stayed at Crown Regency Suites where the dinner and the much-awaited Bb. Haring Ganda 2013 were held.

The event was clinched with the crowning of this year’s Bb. Haring Ganda and the thank you message of the head of the AMT and AVT department, Mr. Rene S. Pono.

Cherissa Latoja, BS- AVT III

Avionics Students : “We had fun while working”

‘We had fun while working,’ quoted the Avionics Technology majors when asked on how they worked out the various projects showcased during their Avionics Exhibit last October 9-10 at the Avionics Laboratory.

The exhibit included miniature aircraft displays such as the C-130 of Philippine Air Force, Antonov An-225 also known as the ‘world’s largest aircraft’, the newest Hello Kitty themed Boeing 777-300ER airplane and a replica of the Mactan-Cebu International Airport incorporated with blue, yellow, red and white LED lights on the runway, a control tower, glide slope, VOR or very high omni-directional range and a primary surveillance radar (PSR). A simulation of aircraft flaps, landing gear and charging system and the back-to-back aircraft mobile robots were also showcased during this two-day activity.

Spearheaded this year by Mr. Jesonne Bacaron, the AVT exhibit has served as the venue for students to show their knowledge and skills in the field of aviation electronics.

Cherissa Latoja, BS- AVT III

Airwatch & Insights Chief Scribes Join 73rd NSPC

Three years since its last participation of the College Editor’s Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) in 2010, Airwatch, the official College publication of Indiana Aerospace University (IAU), deliberately renewed membership to the oldest and widest alliance of student publications across the country and in the Asia- Pacific.

Two delegates represented IAU: Cherissa Latoja, Editor-in-chief for Publication of Airwatch,and Kathrin Angela Baguio, deputy Editor-in-chief of Insights, the revived Basic Education Publication, during the 73rd National Student Press Convention (NSPC) from April 12 to 16 at the University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus Theater.

With the theme, “Rock the Vote: The Campus Press and Active Youth Participation in the 2013 Elections,’” more than 170 campus journalists from more than 60 publications nationwide attended the CEGP annual press conference.

CEGP President Pauline Gidget Estella described what is to be expected from the NSPC during its orientation on April 12. ‘This convention should serve as a venue for campus journalists to know what needs to be done, why it needs to be done, and how it is done,’said Estella, also the incumbent Editor-in- chief of Philippine Collegian (University of the Philippines- Diliman) in her welcome message.

Young Minds at Work

From April 12 to 15, the delegates participated in fora and discussions facilitated by renowned veteran writers and field professionals. The upcoming 2013 Senatorial Elections, the media and campus journalism, among other issues in Philippine society were discussed. Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) Maria Lourdes Mangahas and BAYAN Public Information Officer Arnold Padilla gave lectures on the role of media in the upcoming midterm polls.

During their “basic masses integration” activity on April 13, student journalists visited urban communities in Pajo and Bangkal in Lapu-Lapu and fishing villages in Talisay to discuss socio-political issues. The delegates also attended lectures and workshops on literature and arts with Palanca awardees Jun Cruz Reyes and Mark Angeles, fliptop artist BLKD and liberal band member Plagpul.

Catalysts for Change

Incumbent Bayan Muna party-list representative and senatorial bet Teddy Casiño encouraged the CEGP delegates to continue playing their historical role as an alternative press to report on crucial issues not published in mainstream dailies nor aired on television networks. ‘It is the role of student journalists to serve as alternative sources of information to the public and catalysts for change,’ the former CEGP president said.

Youth sectoral Kabataan Partylist also challenged the student journalists to be more than advocates for clean and fair elections and should also provide a deeper analysis on the personalities and events of this year’s elections. In a solidarity message, Kabataan stressed that “the challenge of the youth today is to continue its social responsibility in correcting the ills of our present society and eventually changing the dominating system of exploitation and injustice.”

To write is already to choose

As college editors and student journalists, each was given the unique opportunity to shape opinion, elevate public discourse, and influence change not only in their respective campuses but more also throughout the nation. The annual NSPC has become a tool to help student journalists to further hone up their skills and sense of responsibility and consciousness in ushering lasting social reforms. CEGP, in its 81 years as a national center for the advancement of campus press freedom ‘chooses to protect the rights of the common people’ through the principles of critical thinking and pro-people journalism.

Cherissa Latoja, BS AVT III

Avionics Department Holds “A-View-Next: AVT Projects Exhibit”

SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC               ‘Aircraft Mobile Robots’ was the highlight of the project exhibit conducted by the Avionics Technology (AVT) department  last March 15 at the ground floor of the new HRM-TTM building. The event showcased the various projects made by the First and Second year AVT students under the courses handled by Engr. Cyril Neil M. De la Rama. These include:
  • Telegraph kits of AVT 226(Aviation Radio Communication Procedures, Phonetics and Morse Code)
  • Runway layout and Pilot-Controller conversation of AVT 227(Airports, Airways and ATC Systems)
  • Aircraft Replicas and Visual Displays of AVT 124( Aircraft Structures and Components) and;
  • Aircraft Mobile Robots of AVT 123(Essentials of Communication)
The simulation of the aircraft mobile robots or technically called ‘line follower robots (LFR)’ wowed the audience with its ability to detect and follow a route delimited by a black line with a white background. The system was embedded with phototransistors that function as detectors to measure the light reflectivity of the surface, thus making the robot detect and follow a line drawn on the surface. The ‘Morse Code Your Name: Ask Me How” booth operated by the Second year students, was also showcased during the event on the conventional way of encoding information or messages using telegraph kits. Spearheaded by De la Rama and organized by the students themselves, the exhibit served as the culminating activity of the Avionics department for the entire semester. by:  Cherissa Y. Latoja AVT-III  

Gov. Magpale Guest of Honor and Speaker

MagpaleActing Cebu Governor and Director of Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority Agnes A. Magpale will be the guest of honor and speaker of the Indiana Aerospace University’s 20th Commencement Exercises on Saturday March 23, 2013.

According to IAU President, Dr. Jovenal B. Toring, the combined efforts of the members of the faculty, administration and staff has produced 260 graduates aiming to be commercials pilots, flight attendants, aerospace engineers, aircraft mechanics, avionics technicians, hotel and restaurant managers and teachers.

Aimee C. Diaz (BSAM),  Mary Heyzel P. Lepiten, and Kylie D. Tampus (BSAM) will be graduating as Cum Laude in this Saturday’s commencement program.

This year’s turnout of graduates is a manifestation that IAU reached positive growth despite the local aviation industry especially the air tragedy that befell on former DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo and the downgrading of the country’s aviation rating.