A Well-Attended Parents’ General Assembly and Orientation

It was on July 1, 2017 when the new Aerospacer Hall was filled with the parents of our pre-school, grade school, junior high school and senior high school who attended the first Parents’ General Assembly and Orientation for the school year 2017-2018.  The number of attendees was quite overwhelming and though the assembly ended quite late at noon already, the smiling faces of the parents who expressed their appreciation and thanks before leaving the venue were enough to inspire the teachers and administrators to work better for the good of their children. Indiana Learning Center’s new set of teaching staff was introduced to the parents.  Likewise, ILC’s new School Director, Dr. Nonita P. Legaspi, who spoke about the new system of pedagogy in the basic education department, was also introduced to the assembly.  The half-day orientation alsocovered such topics as the grading system, generalschool rules and regulations as stipulated in the students’ handbook, ACP (Aerospace Cadets/Cadettes of the Philippines), guidance concerns, etc. The well-attended assembly and orientation ended with the election of the PTA Board officers which is now headed by its newly elected president, Mrs. Laarni Lumanog, a registered nurse and a mother of two girls – a college student taking up Airline Management and a Grade 5 pupil, both of whom are studying at IAU.