In March of 2017, Dr. Nonita P. Legaspi was appointed as the Directress of Indiana Learning Center (ILC), the University’s Basic Education Department. At the investiture held during the commencement exercises of the grade school and junior high school students, Dr. Legaspi underscored her vision for the ILC to be a leading Catholic institution in the country. She thanked the parents and students for their unwavering trust and confidence in the school’s mission of providing excellent educationand also assured them that they are in good hands especially that majority of the faculty members have recently finished their master’s degrees in their respective specializations which in turn will be a very good advantage because students will be mentored by competent teachers. Moreover, she revealed that major developments are set to be materialized in all aspects of management—from instruction to extension—under her watch.Topping the list of her academic agenda is teacher welfare and development. As early as April, Dr. Legaspi happily informed that the Administration has already approved the Ranking System for Teachers and Staff which will be basis for salary gradation. “Being the first of its kind, this will not only empower financially the teachers and the nonacademic personnel but also motivate them to pursue further studies, increase work productivity, and improve their quality of life”, quipped Dr. Legaspi during the interview with Airwatch. She believes that teachers have to be motivated from time to time for they are the front-liners of the school. Seeing this as a good boost, Dr. Legaspi is hopeful that the faculty will also do their best to realize the vision, mission and goals of the school.In terms of instruction, she reiterated that the teachers will have ongoing design meetings to meet the vertical and horizontal articulation standards. The Modified Mastery Learning Model pedagogy will also be adopted. This consists of methods and approaches that will cater to different learning needs and styles of the 21st-century learner. Details of this will be introduced at the in-service training and orientation on June 7. As to student welfare and development, she adheres to a positive reinforcement approach. She hopes to develop holisticallythe Aerospacers by promoting programs and activities that will suit their learning styles and uphold the values enshrined by St. Therese of Lisieux. More importantly, she sees the need to establish a deeper relationship with the parents of the students. “As our educational partners and stakeholders, we need the help of the parents to boost the academic and extra-curricular performance of their child. Their cooperation is vital in terms of reinforcing positive behavior among our students. My office will also be very open to deal with parents whose child needs extra care. My office will be the nurturing type in dealingwith both parents and students,” she said.