Indiana Learning Center believes in the joy of giving, thus, its students are taught to be kind and generous especially to the needy and the elderly. This school year, junior and senior high school students go out of their way to meet and give bundles of joy to the LOLAs and LOLOs who are either abandoned or entrusted to the care of the sisters of St. Camillus in Talamban, Cebu. Each class takes its turn in bringing and giving joy to the elderlies every other Saturday from August of 2017 to February of 2018. To those who had already their turn, the experience did not only strengthen the bond of the students in their respective advisory classes but it also gave them the opportunity to serve the elderly during feeding time and bring them joy as they offered the LOLAs and LOLOs their dances and songs. Such an experience made some students cry especially when they remembered their old GRANDPAS and GRANDMAS back home. Most of them realized how precious it is for the OLDs to be given time by the YOUNGs.To the old folks, on the other hand, they always felt grateful. Most of the times, tears of joy from their eyes fell as they said goodbye to their young visitors. They always looked forward to see and meet the students every other Saturday. After all, the material things students brought are not really what matter most to them. It’s the joy, the time, the kindness and the love that students and teachers bring to and share with them that matter most.