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Indiana Learning Center is PEAC certified and has been given 50 slots for incoming Grade 7 students. Accepts ESC grantees from other schools this AY 2018-2019.
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IAU Basic Education

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Basic Education latest campus news and updates

Her remarkable excellence and unwavering dedication highlight the beauty and intelligence that women everywhere can admire. Congratulations to Ms. Sofi Maxim Grenmo, our Sinulog Festival ...
The Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal scholarship program for teacher education is a four-year academic scholarship named after the former Archbishop of Cebu (1982-2010) and recognized ...
LOOK: Aerospacers! Be fully aware of the Precautionary Measures to take against the Novel Corona Virus Acute Respiratory Disease (2019 N-COV ARD). Please be informed ...
WATCH: You are all invited to an exhibit event entitled “AEROSPACERS KALEIDOSCOPE SUMMIT 2020” on February 5, 2020 (Wednesday), 1PM-5PM at Indiana Aerospace University Gymnasium. ...
IAU Astronomical Society will start off the National Astronomy Week 2020 at Sacred Heart School, Ateneo de Cebu. We will be joining Ateneo de Cebu ...

Swim Team Got GOLD

Indiana Learning Center does not only hone student’s academic potentials but also their talents and skills in the field of performing arts and sports.  School ...

LapuLapu Schools’ Division Superintendent Attended Moving Up Ceremony

The Lapu-Lapu City Schools’ Division Superintent, Dr. Marilyn S. Andales, surprised us with her presence during the Pre-School Moving Up Ceremony last March 16, 2018.  ...

Senior High School Post Immersion Activity 2018

After the Pre-Immersion Orientation in June of the first semester of school year 2017-2018, Grade 12 students were required to present their Work Immersion Portfolio ...
The cute and lovable grade three pupils had their First Holy Communion on December 2, 2017 with Rev. Fr. Rudy Bugna, OSA as the Main ...
December 13, 2017 was a significant date to the Grades 4 to 6 pupils and the Junior High School students because that was the day ...

Culminating the Month of Rosary

Each school year, it is already the tradition of Indiana Learning Center to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary with a Living Rosary which culminates the ...
Last October 8, 2017, the annual FAMILY DAY which was painstakingly organized by the PTA Officers under the leadership of Mrs. Laarni Lumanog, RN, was ...

Junior and Senior High School Students Leadership Training

The Leadership Training (Junior High School) and Team Building (Senior High School) for all high school officers held last July 15 and 22 respectively was ...
Indiana Learning Center believes in the joy of giving, thus, its students are taught to be kind and generous especially to the needy and the ...
In celebrating our school’s Silver Jubilee, we take time to break away from day-to-day schedules to give way to an equally necessary pursuit of skills ...

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